Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Little thief !!!

Today morning I took a tomato from the bowl to make Gravy..... I found that some tomatoes were missing. Since I had bought a kilo of tomatoes only the previous day, it was easy to see that some were gone. Theres only one little thief in our house. Usually, it is onions and potatoes as they are in the open shelf.I used to keep tomatoes in fridge only..somehow I forgot and kept outside..... thief cannot reach the top shelf or so I thought! The enquiry started. Kavin where are the tomatoes?" He gives me an innocent look and runs to the hall. I follow him and see a tomato under the sofa. When I go and pick it up, the thief runs to the kitchen. I follow him and Surpised..yes the secret place is found. Behind the fridge! I retrieved almost half a kilo of tomatoes from there. I guess he was doing it from yesterday.......

PS : what he is planning to cook for me??? punishment is only hugs and

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