As I already made a post regarding child labour and their education ,now I am asking myself what I am going to do for them?..My husband and some of his friends together started a TRUST IN THE NAME OF " LIFT INDIA TRUST"...They are into Education ,rural development ,special visits to old age homes..If you want to know more do check the link
Once I had gone with my husband to Kalakad (tirunelveli rural village ) for disturbing uniform,notebooks,geometry boxes.here I am writing how my husband and me felt that day..We posted in Lift India Trust website too.
I like to share my feelings, thoughts with all of you… how I felt in the venue of the event. Charity looks at the need; not at the cause, of course We, LIT choose the school in that manner. The school strength is more than 1500. It’s a Muslim school, lots of Hindu teachers and Christian students. I can say “Unity In Diversity”. Be Proud to be an INDIAN. That’s how we cherish. Right Friends? The school is in rural area and the children’s are innocent and really very poor. The way they had dressed up (Literally many of them wore torn dress/ un-uniform), running here and there without foot wear in the hot sun but without any worries, lots of smiling faces and speaking in our musical Tirunelveli slang. After all, who can hide their charm and intelligence?
I had talked to the Correspondent; surprisingly he is in late 30’s.His all tiring efforts to bring the children’s to the school. He says that he markets the parents of the students to send them to school and added most of the students are working and they avail huge leaves during harvest period. At that moment, I thanked god for all the good things happened on my life. Isn’t friends? We have to thank god, our beloved parents & our teachers who made us COMPLETE.
That is the only day in my life I felt so fulfilment and joy.. While I am distributing a small girl child who was NOT IN OUR ISSUE LIST dressed up in a torn un-uniform came towards me and asked for the parcel. I don't know what to do?.I just issued with a help of the teacher after checking for the proper cloth size for the kid. That small kid open up the cloth parcel and so excited.That minute I felt so Much Joy, my eyes are filled with tears, my heart is almost melted… What is the happiness? As simple as that …… To bring joy to the others…

At the age of 65, when your hair is all grey and your house is filled with little grand children, it is the right time to count your riches. This sure does not refer to the amount of money or the valuable possessions or property. But it is all about the blessings you gain from the innumerable good deeds you have done all through your life.
It all begins from the time you helped your four- year-old classmate to pick up the colour pencils that he had dropped. Then it gradually rose to the time when you saved a part of your daily pocket money to grant it to the less fortunate near your school compound. The times when you asked your mom to make extra food so that you could share it with them all. Then came the time when you waited for the festivals to buy dresses and sweets and experience the joy of sharing. The times grew in number and the instances brought the most wonderful smiles on the faces of the ones who experienced your love and care.
Life looked really beautiful when your arms were always wide open for those who needed your help and comfort. Your touch had a care, your word could bring a smile and your help made a difference. The moment your hands extended out to help another fellow being on earth, you rise up in a moral manner.
Your wealth is in the number of times you have been a reason to bring a smile on someone’s face and also on the number of souls that shed tears on you going far.
Dear friends, i came to know a small Orphanage called "Nethaji Illam" at cumbum-Theni District. Mr Panjuraja and his family is running this home since 1996 successfully. At present 50 people are staying there( from small child's to Old peoples) . Mr Panjuraja doing this service on his own interest, without any assit from Govt.
I spoke with him and he explained about his service. Let me explain that in shortly, He is managing the expenditure with his son and his wife salary as well as some helping hands around c (not regularly) . According to his information, they are getting a good food for 10-15 days/month, the rest days are hard for them.
They need some basic help. As far as i know they need
1) good food
2) Study materials like writing block,pen,pencil/Geo. Box
3) Medical help
4) Soap,oil,Milk,Tea/coffee powder
for further details please contact him. His address is
Nethaji Illam
Mr Panjuraja
3/W, 232-C 2, Nethaji nagar
Cumbum 625 516
Theni District
Tamil Nadu
Phone Number : 9344814113
So friends lets do something for them. Let Us Lift Them. Thanks in advance.
If you don't have time to call ,Pls send some money from your side to Lift India trust account ..They will handover to Mr.Panjuraja.
Name. : Lift India trust
Account Number : 602701220362
Bank Name : ICICI Bank Limited
Branch & Address : Chennai Anna Nagar, A-78, Plot No.3211, 3rd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai – 600102. Tamil Nadu, India
IFSC Code (Bank) : ICIC0006027
The great author, lecturer and activist Helen Keller said, “Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another’s pain, life is not in vain.”
PS: Please do mail me once u transfer the money.U can post in comment itself .U can reply me in contact me form.Even 100 rs will change their life..So help them..Thanks to all who are reading this ...
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