Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Amazing facts about brain !!!

Scientific facts from various sources :

Majority of the neurons in your brain today are as old as you are because they do not multiply (for the most part) after we are born.

The human nervous system is a wonderfully dynamic entity composed of an estimated one trillion cells.

The typical adult human body is composed of approximately fifty trillion cells.

We humans share 99.4% of our total DNA sequences with the chimpanzee.

As members of the same human species, you and I share all but 0.01% of identical genetic sequences. It is obvious that 0.01% accounts for a significant difference in how we look, think and behave.

Left Brain Vs Right Brain

Head telling us to do one thing VsHeart telling us to do the exact opposite

What we think Vs What we feel

Mind consciousness Vs Body’s instinctive consciousness

Small ego mind Vs Capital ego mind

Small self Vs Inner or authentic self

Work mind Vs Vacation mind

Researcher mind Vs Diplomatic mind

Masculine mind Vs Feminine mind

Yang consciousness Vs Yin consciousness

Sensing mind Vs Intuitive mind

Judging mind Vs Perceiving mind

If you want to check Which part of brain U are using do fill the quiz in the below Link.

My views :

On a side note a person being left brained or right brained is not related to dominant hand of an individual. It is absolutely dependent upon how an individual dominates day-to-day activities.

For example Einstein is dominant left brained since his approach was more logical while a painter is more right brained who works on his perception (works on whole)

Unfortunately most ppl are not trained to use their right brain since in school emphasis is given on left brain.

Great ppl like Einstein, Bill Gates etc never studied much or paid attention in school and were free to explore their mind structure which led them to the path they are right now.

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