This thing we ignored everyday yet it's bigger than all of us. I just realized how much perspective play a part in our lives. Well, at first i didn't really mean to write a post about this, but somehow i just realized how important it is to think about it.It all started when i was sitting alone in my room, no surprise to you cause i do this often really, just thinking. I'm a thinker most of the time, i like to think. About everything, about what's going on, and what i want to happen. Just everything. No lying, I've been through some tough times lately. It's still happening, all the problems, and i think of them everyday. I didn't want my problems to last for long time, so yeah i guess i can cover pretty well. But at nights, i think about them, a lot.
You know, when you find yourself some time to think, it all will be clearer. Your mind will find some way to understand everything and finding the best answers for you (of course, praying will definitely help). Well, about a day ago i found myself thinking about my problems. I tried to find the main cause, and all the things that went wrong, and the reason. And the people. I know all of our problems involve other people. And well, with these people playing a part in our concern and problems, i guess their like the main target. You know what I'm saying? In our minds we are the victims, and mostly yes, that's true. And although you don't know what other people thinks, you just happen to hate them for not understanding. Even sometimes, you'll think they just hate you and happy about what your dealing with. Sometimes you just can't help it. When you think, if you don't take a long time thinking clearly, you just found the best way to comfort you, without thinking about whether it's wrong or right. This is when i thought about the other part that was missing from my thinking therapy, perspective.
We get caught in our mind sometimes that we forget about what revolves around us. I know it's not right for us to worry about what other people thinks. But, just looking at their perspective won't hurt. I just realized that. For an example, I've been thinking a lot about what i feel and about what other people's reaction to it, and for a time i got depressed. i thought they hate me and they're this messed up guys who smile around when you're feeling down. I created this feeling that made me close my eyes to everything they do, and close my ears to everything they say. I thought they're mean, really mean. But then, i tried to see things in their perspective. it's not so bad. Some are bad, but you eventually learn to understand them. And learn to cope with them. And how to deal with stuff. You won't get depressed anymore, because you'll see more possibility there is to your problems. That's what happened to me. I look at people's perspective in seeing my problems, and i came up with a whole new possibility that somehow made me more relaxed. Because, other people's perspective is different from us. Who knows, maybe just maybe, they hold a puzzle to complete the problems. You won't find yourself completely right, and you won't find other people completely wrong. You won't find yourself completely wrong, and you won't find other people completely right. You'll find that there's more to it that meets the eye. You'll find a whole different side of what's happening. It'll just prove that you have a lot to think about before coming up with a conclusion. And that nobody is ever right, or wrong.
Talking to people, especially the people whom you trust, your best friends, your family, helps a lot too. When you tell them your problems, I'm sure at the end they will tell you about their perspective on your problems. And i tell you, it helps. A freaking lot. More perspectives help you to open up yourself to a whole new possibilities. For me, all the hate I've been holding to the people that i feel responsible to my problems, slowly fades. I'm not perfect, I'm still having a tough time trying to forget about it, but at least I'm finding a way to not think about it so much. And yeah, i learn to respect other people, and also their opinions.
Perspective is important. Such a small thing, but have huge impact when you start to see all of them. Putting yourself in other people's shoes will be worth a while.
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