Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Amazing nights in the terrace!!!!

Why do I like the night better than the day .. Well I dont know.. It starts with dusk I guess, the romance, and moves on slowly into the night as well. I remember the days when, as a child, I used to watch the sun dip and go back home to sit down and do my home work. I used to try and finish all my homework quickly so that I could go to the terrace and look at the deep, dark, mysterious sky.I spent my childhood vacation in my terrace only with my cousin sisters....we love to have food in terrace....then sing and dance too.....we screamed a lot in late night....of course we used to get nice scoldings from elders too... But we never mind at all...

How many stories we spun under the night sky......?Sometimes watching a shooting star, I would think that there was a fight amongst the stars or look for patterns in the sky and make stories out of them. I loved to spot the constellations and the planets (Jupitor and Mars thats all I could see). All of a sudden a twinkling star like object would appear from the South western part of the sky and I would conjure up an image of aliens invading earth. Whereas it would only be an aeroplane in the night sky. Sometimes I would wave at it and say "Bye Bye" to the people flying ..

I loved the sound of crickets.. I call it the "Sound of Night". The uncountable stars. I have tried to count them but then I lost count so many times that I gave up.. Maybe someday I must try to count them :)( dont laugh... but this is a chinna periya aasai). In the darkness u can be all u want - sing, dance and even act like u r the queen. Sometimes my grandma used to come with me to the terrace and she would tell me tales from the Epic. I would be transported to that period, to the times where Krishna plays with gopikas, to the times where Rama breaks the bow and marries Sita, to the times when the rakshasas throw arrows from the sky while Rama and Lakshmana stand guard.

I wonder how many kids do all this now. The pressure on Students to perform well and parents want them to study all the time, plus the multi various distractions in the form of computer, TV , video games and now the latest distraction the iPAD is taking kids away from the wonders of Nature and the wonderful stimulation that it is to the human brain.

I miss it now.. I don't go to the terrace now as I don't have it in this concrete jungle....thanks at least for the balcony space so that I can show the sky to my little son......It is nature and every part of Nature is amazing .......

PS:: There is no focus to this post.. I know.. but I guess u can take quite a few things out of it....

1 comment:

  1. Indhuma, it was all of sweet memories. U reminded me of my childhood.
