Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Gold ...Gold....Gold...!!!

Did u see the rate of gold in the market? My God... Its Rs.2580 per gram of gold. And thats not it.. it seems to be rising as fast as the monsoon in Mumbai and predicitons are that it will reach as high as Rs.2700

Okay now let me come to the most important questions. What is it about ornament gold that makes it so valuable. Why is it that people attach so much importance to gold. Agreed that it is the most malleable and ductile metal. Agreed that it is inert to most chemicals. But that does not make it so precious or does it..

Now what can we do about the price rise.... Well because of the price rise and the forecast people are buying more gold saying it is an investment. I think we shud boycott gold for sometime.. There are other metals too, that look good on .What's the big deal? People work to save, and save to buy gold, and then they just keep it in their cupboards. They never actually sell it when prices rise, so it's not really an 'investment'...

There's so much jewellery that's affordable and beautiful, like wooden ear rings,black metals,white metals...
Now dont get me wrong... I am just thinking aloud...

PS: I don't like gold..and it's completely my opinion....Not to point or hurt others in any sense.


  1. Main reason for investing in Gold:-

    1) Gold, Oil and US$ are inter linked each other. In 1970, America had done some changes in currency and link with US$. It means that when US market crash, the Gold price will rise.
    Please refer in google "GOLD+OIL+US$) will know about more details on it's relationship. So, it's high chance GOLD price will keep going up till US get stablised.

    2) People investing in Gold and keeping in the cupboard and not selling it off. They will sell it off if it's really required to sell. Because, the the prices is always keep going upwards only. No point of selling it off if it's really not required.

    3) Furthermore, our forefathers had told that "manulla and ponulla podura money, never will get wasted"

    It's does not matter whether u like it or not. If you want multiple your money, it's safe to invest.

  2. I like the last part of your comment.....
