Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My life twister!!!

Yesterday when I went to pick my son from school ,I got this idea for this post..I saw a question like best five things about motherhood in the notice board for kids mommies assignment competition ( now a days parents also have to write assignment..???)..I was inspired and felt like posting here as I can't participate in the competition..(my son is only in playgroup...why they left poor playgroup kid's mommies)

1. From short temper to more patient soul :

Messing things,breaking glass,throwing mobiles,endless cleaning.... NEVER being able to finish a phone-call. Having your little son follow you to the bathroom...all these vignettes of motherhood need an inexhaustible supply of patience.

2. It made me a more socially aware person.

When I read about the little kid that was electrocuted by a live-wire in the playground, some school bus accident,some baby health issues you feel the pain more when you have children of your own. Everytime you hear news of school-shootouts or any tragedy that involves young children, you heart actually fails to beat for a second.. Before motherhood, I was able to read it all with a degree of distance. Now, I feel it.

3. It made me realise that there is life beyond a career.

I never thought I would be a full-time stay at home mom. And yet, that is exactly the choice I made when it came right down to it. I realised that nothing, NOTHING in the world can compensate for the joy in your child's face when he walks into the house after school. Not even the joy of making CEO.

4. It has made less judgemental of other women's choices.

Before kids, I was quick to judge and slow to understand. When I saw a toddler screaming in a restaurant, I would give the parents odd looks. When I heard of a woman who gave up a great career to stay home with her kids, I would think how she did this ?.. After motherhood, I have realised that life is a very long, very beautiful journey with inexplicable twists and turns. Now it is MY son who is rolling on the floor throwing a tantrum. It is I who has given up a career to be with my kid..And when someone gives me an uncomprehending look, I just smile quietly.

5. It has made me realise my parents worth.

Every time I shout in anger at something my son does,realise how much my parents went through and how nuch harder it was for them. And yet, I always grew up believing I was the center of his existence, the only reason for his happiness. If I can give my son half the sense of security that my parents gave me, I think my job is well done.

Amma is always with u ....

Now u got it ..right?..yes my life twister is my little man kavin......

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