Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kavin's favourite song !!!

Kavin loves the airtel super singer junior promotion song..

Kal kilo karrupu puli....

Whenever the song comes in TV, ..He imitates like that boy....

May be the next junior singer..

Now the kolaveri viral started already in Mumbai ...Happy to hear Tamil song in all malls...

I thought of making list of favourite songs which kavin likes very much till now..

Vizhi moodi from ayan
Uciraa pokthutha from Ravanan
Kadhal Anukal from enthiran
Neela vaa nam from manmathan ambu
En nenjil from bana kathadi
Mandram vantha from mouna rag am
Azlagu kutty chellam
All serial title songs (only songs)...
Saravanan meenakshi title music...

He really enjoys music..He loves melody songs....

Who are u as a mother???

It's been a few years since I quit my job to experience the stay-at-home bliss at my home .A lot of women in my layout have decided to quit their jobs to take care of their kids and I was living in a kind of suburban in Bangalore before we came to Mumbai . It has also, for the first time, given me an opportunity to talk to and mix with a lot of women from my old circle of friends, many of whom I had lost touch with. My layout has almost all state people so English is only common language for us...Even it has some foreigners too like Korea,France,UK too..I am just together collecting all my memories about the different moms I met till now...While the world, very broadly, generalises mothers as working and non-working, I have begun to see so many sub classes in between. Just a light-hearted look at a few kinds off the top of my head:

*The perfectionist: Hers are the kids who always go to school with sparkling white canvas shoes. Their lunches are always packed with nutritious food and their homeworks are always done. If they have to get a project finished, she starts working on it from day one and makes sure they get it right! She inspires other moms and also scares them a little bit.She wants her child to be a perfectionist .She can't tolerate if her child comes second in running race in school.Her child should be all rounder like dancer,class topper,swimmer,sports person.Oh god Instead of kid ,she raised Robot.

*The fun mommy: She is the mommy every child wants. Always full of life and exciting things to do, she is every child's hero. She makes even work fun and interesting and is not averse to a late week night every now and then. She is also the kind who, very spontaneously, will take the kids out to the zoo ,mall or the park on weekends.

*The strict officer: Her kids, quite literally, piss out of fear in her presence. She rules the household and the kids with an iron hand and kids and husband scamper away in fear at her slightest sign of displeasure.Even her kids cry if he/she fell down..not for the hurt part..fear about mama..

*The lost soul: These moms are bored out of their skulls in their avatar and are constantly wishing they were someplace else. Motherhood really does not come naturally to them and they look lost and scared most of the time, looking to someone else for guidance and deliverance.They want every time some push /mentor for them.Instead of taking care of the kid,someone need to monitor them

*The scatterbrain : This is the woman who runs down the stairs in her nightie chasing after her child with her homework. Or the one who is creating a ruckus in the mall after losing a kid. Or is up half the night designing a dress for the school play the next day and then forgets to send it.Always in some hurry ...

Now guess who are u???
But whatever,“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one”

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It happens ...Guess what???

Kavin was sick on Friday night ....He started throwing everything from night.,almost 3 to 4 times....I was totally exhausted by cleaning and cleaning...Around 1 am in midnight ,he had a bad dry cough...he started again throwing...I cleaned bed spreads in hot water and forgot to switch off the geyser...After sometime I put him in sleep and went to washroom to clean my legs ..That's it..Guess entire skin was peeled by hot water ..steam water....I can't react so easily at first..Then it started paining so badly....burning sensation ...Why I am writing this post is just to create awareness....

We used to keep basic first aid items in home ..some what I kept my leg in cold water ....Then did the basic first aid..Now I am in antibiotics...A steam burn is not very different from a burn caused by a flame or the harsh sun. Both can be equally painful, even though the symptoms of some other burns appear more severe. Therefore, most people adopt immediate steam burn relief techniques, to avoid suffering from the discomfort for a long time. For most burns, even steam burns, it is best to visit a doctor and undergo a proper treatment procedure, which involves painkillers and other medication. However, several people begin steam burn treatment at home, before they can consult a doctor, for faster relief from the burning sensation. The first and most important step in treating a steam burn is to determine exactly how severe the burn is. If the burn appears to be a superficial one, then a person can think about treating it at home, because deeper burns should only be treated by a doctor.

If the burn is not a very severe one, then the next step in the steam burns treatment is to disinfect the area and keep the burn clean. While some people believe that water should not be used on a burn, health experts recommend that if the steam burn is mild, it should be rinsed with cool water. However, this technique should never be applied if the burn is more severe. However, it is important to remember that the skin should never be over cooled. This is because a steam burn usually damages the protective layer of the skin to a great extent and over cooling could cause the skin to become hypothermic.

Products like butter, cream, lotion and other household remedies should never be used while treating steam burns, as they could lead to an infection and inflammation. It is best to cover the steam burn with a piece of sterile gauze and dressing. There are several medicated over the counter ointments and gels that can be applied to relieve the discomfort. Aloe Vera gel has been known to heal burns at a faster pace. In fact, it is best to first apply an antibiotic lotion on the burn and then cover the area up, with the gauze. The skin should not be left open, where it could get infected by germs and bacteria.

Steam burn blister

In case of most steam burns, the skin turns red and breaks out into blisters, which are known as steam burn blisters. These blisters can be highly painful and could take a while to heal. Moreover, if the blisters are not handled in the right manner, the patient can suffer from a severe infection. Since there is no specific steam burn blister treatment as such, most doctors recommend that the skin should be given the chance and the time to heal on its own. However, what the patient should do is, clean the injury and change the dressing a couple of times each day. Popping a steam burn blister should be strictly discouraged. Touching the blisters unnecessarily or fidgeting with them should also be strictly avoided, in order to speed up the healing process.

While it is acceptable to adopt a home treatment for steam burns on the body, or even the face, it is absolutely imperative to consult a doctor, in case of a steam burn in the eyes. In case the steam burn does not heal with the help of home remedies and treatments, it may be important to consider medical treatment options too. Some of the medical procedures for treating a steam burn include intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration, oral and topical antibiotics, protective dressing, skin grafting ..

Instead of all this , better we should have some awareness about our electrical items such as geysers,oven,iron box etc...

Always Prevention is better than cure...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Perspective is the only solution for healthy relationship !!!


This thing we ignored everyday yet it's bigger than all of us. I just realized how much perspective play a part in our lives. Well, at first i didn't really mean to write a post about this, but somehow i just realized how important it is to think about it.It all started when i was sitting alone in my room, no surprise to you cause i do this often really, just thinking. I'm a thinker most of the time, i like to think. About everything, about what's going on, and what i want to happen. Just everything. No lying, I've been through some tough times lately. It's still happening, all the problems, and i think of them everyday. I didn't want my problems to last for long time, so yeah i guess i can cover pretty well. But at nights, i think about them, a lot.

You know, when you find yourself some time to think, it all will be clearer. Your mind will find some way to understand everything and finding the best answers for you (of course, praying will definitely help). Well, about a day ago i found myself thinking about my problems. I tried to find the main cause, and all the things that went wrong, and the reason. And the people. I know all of our problems involve other people. And well, with these people playing a part in our concern and problems, i guess their like the main target. You know what I'm saying? In our minds we are the victims, and mostly yes, that's true. And although you don't know what other people thinks, you just happen to hate them for not understanding. Even sometimes, you'll think they just hate you and happy about what your dealing with. Sometimes you just can't help it. When you think, if you don't take a long time thinking clearly, you just found the best way to comfort you, without thinking about whether it's wrong or right. This is when i thought about the other part that was missing from my thinking therapy, perspective.

We get caught in our mind sometimes that we forget about what revolves around us. I know it's not right for us to worry about what other people thinks. But, just looking at their perspective won't hurt. I just realized that. For an example, I've been thinking a lot about what i feel and about what other people's reaction to it, and for a time i got depressed. i thought they hate me and they're this messed up guys who smile around when you're feeling down. I created this feeling that made me close my eyes to everything they do, and close my ears to everything they say. I thought they're mean, really mean. But then, i tried to see things in their perspective. it's not so bad. Some are bad, but you eventually learn to understand them. And learn to cope with them. And how to deal with stuff. You won't get depressed anymore, because you'll see more possibility there is to your problems. That's what happened to me. I look at people's perspective in seeing my problems, and i came up with a whole new possibility that somehow made me more relaxed. Because, other people's perspective is different from us. Who knows, maybe just maybe, they hold a puzzle to complete the problems. You won't find yourself completely right, and you won't find other people completely wrong. You won't find yourself completely wrong, and you won't find other people completely right. You'll find that there's more to it that meets the eye. You'll find a whole different side of what's happening. It'll just prove that you have a lot to think about before coming up with a conclusion. And that nobody is ever right, or wrong.

Talking to people, especially the people whom you trust, your best friends, your family, helps a lot too. When you tell them your problems, I'm sure at the end they will tell you about their perspective on your problems. And i tell you, it helps. A freaking lot. More perspectives help you to open up yourself to a whole new possibilities. For me, all the hate I've been holding to the people that i feel responsible to my problems, slowly fades. I'm not perfect, I'm still having a tough time trying to forget about it, but at least I'm finding a way to not think about it so much. And yeah, i learn to respect other people, and also their opinions.

Perspective is important. Such a small thing, but have huge impact when you start to see all of them. Putting yourself in other people's shoes will be worth a while.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Are u happy from the heart???

Before read this post just try to answer few questions from your heart....

1.When u saw the sunrise???
2.How long u didn't call ur close friends???
3.When u had candle light dinner with ur wife???
4.When u had vacations???
5.At least some good songs u listened ???
6.Have u seen moon /stars recently???

The question is endless....But the answer is so simple...Guess what???..Time management in work life balance....

Balance is the key to lead a successful and beautiful life which includes everything but in balance. It is important in everyone’s life be it in the life of an entrepreneur, student or a housewife to maintain a balance between various aspects of their daily routine. A student must know how to balance between his studies and curricular activities; otherwise he will fail in one or the other thing. It is equally important that we maintain our balance between materialistic and spiritual or religious life as well.

Our life has so many things to deal with, like our relationships, work, health, entertainment , responsibilities for family and country etc and to be successful in all these aspects, we must know how maintain balance between all of them.

In our everyday life, it is the work which occupies the major part of our life and many people get so occupied with their work that they end up neglecting other important things of their life. In corporate world where there is huge pressure on employees to meet their deadlines and long working hours, people really have lost balance in their lives. There is no denial that one can not survive without work because this is what ultimately gives you the money which is the source of everyone’s survival but along with work other things are also necessary. Sometimes some goal or target grabs so much of our attention that we forget everything else and devote all our energy in accomplishing that goal. Achieving goals or targets is not bad but leaving everything else behind for that one particular goal or target can be harmful for an individual.

Time management is the solution to most of our problems. Everybody is provided with twenty four hours only but it depends upon us how we utilize them. And within these limited hours only we have to accomplish all our tasks along with giving rest to our bodies and minds. And to manage the time, it is very important that we set our priorities for our life. When we set our priorities, then it becomes easy to divide our attention according them. For some people it’s their work which is a priority, so they spend more time with their work. When we divide our time according to our priorities, then there are very few chances that we will not be leading a balanced life.

In the end what matters is that we live a life in which we are happy and does not hold any regret that we are missing out something because we don’t have enough time. When we will manage our time wisely according to our priorities, then it will never be so difficult for us to maintain balance in our life.

Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.

Last but not least "When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.”

Friday, December 2, 2011

Goa trip - Spice Garden !!!

While in Goa, do NOT miss this great opportunity of visiting the biggest spice garden, managed by the professionals with in-depth knowledge of the spices and herbs

The trip itself is like a trip back in time to the Goa of old where life was simple and beautiful.We put our sight-seeing once again headed north, this time towards the ruins of Old Goa. The first building we saw was the church of Bom Jesus. It looks like a relic of the industrial revolution from the outside, but is majestically adorned inside. Across the road is another large Church, where the patron saint of Goa, Saint Xavier’s body lies to this day.Quickly tiring of old musty churches, we decided on seeing something more animate and journeyed into the jungle to try and find a Spice Garden. Just when we thought we were hopelessly lost we came upon our destination, marked by a majestic elephant wandering the car . The garden was not to disappoint. We saw vanilla, cashew, banana, pineapple, cardamon, nutmeg, wild coriander and Peri-Peri chili all growing amongst the swaying palms. I was fascinated by the story of nutmeg trees, which require a male and female of the species to grow alongside each other to produce fruit.

The way into the actual plantation itself from the car park leads over a murky colored river, on a rackety old wooden bridge that at some points misses some wooden planks, so it’s a real challenge getting across! We were greeted with flower garlands and led into a cozy wood and bamboo open air restaurant overlooking the river where we had a nice lunch.

The tour around the plantation was really interesting and I for the first time saw where Pineapples come from, something I had wandered about for years. This is a very successful spice garden that is absolutely organic, no chemicals are used as pesticides or fertilizer. A guide explains the intricacies of growing spices, their uses and he demonstrates the distillation process where the juice of cashew fig is used to make the delectable Goan feni. Guests are welcomed to the restaurant with a ‘bath’ which is a ladle of cold spring water poured down their backs after the tour..

Must watch place !!!