Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Friday, August 19, 2011

Beauty lies in your eyes!!!

When u see a person the first thing that u notice is probably how they look. A tall, handsome man or a beautiful, slim girl will probably stand out in a crowd . Why is it that the eye looks for beauty? Today I saw a show on discovery where the scientist explains that the mind is looking for symmetry and a symmetric face is what is attractive. The eye is able to distinguish even the smallest deviation from symmetry and thats why some people are more appleaing than others. but the body just reflects the state of your mind. If the mind is happy .. your face is glowing and you have a spring in your step.when you are sad the body language shows and your state of mind is not permanent it keeps changing.......So now the question started arising....So must we look outer beauty?.....

Most of us believe Beauty is just skin deep.. but the inner beauty is what really matters. but then again.. what is the inner beauty? That is also a state of mind.... what you are at this moment you will never be at a different instant of time.. and values and principles keep changing with time. ...May be our mind is also changing according to that.. why we have different feelings.?like happy,sad,weep,cry,scream,fear,anger,finally mixed of all......Just a simple logical thinking....babies are always cute for my eyes.....They are always innocent....That's the reason makes babies happy and cute.......

Every person, or at least most people, have some feature that is admired by someone else. Just as we are all different, also are our tastes in not just foods, but also places we like to go, things we like to do, and people we like to be with.

What one person finds as enjoyable, doesn't necessarily appeal to someone else. Such as it is with people, and those we like to be with. Certain traits that people have, appeal to others in varying ways. What one person sees as good in someone, somebody else may not even be bothered to give the time of day to.

When someone falls in love with someone, it isn't just the physical person they admire, but also the person within that they are drawn to. Similarities in likenesses and hobbies, sports or activities is also a drawing factor.

Those that jump for someone without exploring and discovering the real person, are often left unsatisfied with their decision and therefore, such relationships rarely last.

True love is what you feel about someone, regardless of what others see or say about the one you admire. It's a gut instinct that you will know once you are struck with it. It's a wonderful experience being drawn to someone for more then just physical appearances, but rather the wholeness of the individual itself, for beauty, then truly does, lie in the eyes of the beholder.

I saw this quote somewhere long back....still it remains in my mind....."If you are beautiful/Handsome, half the battle is won...." may be its right........

But if beauty is such a ephemeral thing then why are we looking for it?? ... Don't judge a book by it's cover..........
What matters is what's on the inside, not the outside
Everyone of us has their own idea of what beauty is- what is beautiful to you......?

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