Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Excellent supply chain logistics for life!!!

God -------->Man---------->Worries------->Money-------->Peace-------->God (for getting rid of pain ,man runs behind god..)

I've tried to look into my own life to relate the meaning to myself. Love to live life. Do I love my life? Do I want to live it? Of course, there are times when I found my life to be full of problems. Life is not always easy going isn't it, even if you live a laid-back life. However, I asked myself, what are the purposes of my life on Earth? Why am I born to this world? Where exactly will I find happiness? Lots of questions, but none answered. Then, my heart asked, who allowed you to breath right now? And the answer is, the God almighty. Despite all the selfish thoughts that I had, this one question bring me back to the reality. Yes, I do want to live a luxurious life. I want to be famous. I want to be rich. I want to have everything. And reality bites, but it bites you in a good way. It's better to be realistic rather than dreaming of things you may end up with nothing in the end. So, a conclusion that I came up with, is to love the life that I live, because no matter what, God had presented me with the most amazing give. My own life. My own sense. My own mind. My own heart. And all of these, is His. It is all borrowed to me, and need to be taken care in a well-mannered. My advice to all who may find life to be cruel to you, ask the same question to yourselves. May God opened your heart and mind to feel a bit sense of peace. Make peace with your Creator, and you'll find peace within yourselves.

I wonder why am i here in the world. I just feel im in a loop where the exit is only if "money". But i want to change the loop structure in to if "peace" or "love" then Happy exit . i think i got the purpose of why am i here. i will try run the loop and once its executed you all will be with love and peace until then u need to bug for money but dont beg for it.....

PS :This particular post is mixed version of some articles .....of   course I changed / added little bit according to my opinion....

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