Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's better to be a nuclear family.....

Today I saw a debate program in one of the south Indian channel about influence of outside people in family problems.. This topic makes me to think a lot and finally I am all set to reflect my thoughts .....From my personal life ,I didn't affect much from this issue...But when it comes to my career ,yes it's completely influenced by my parents..I want to start a restaurant business since I finished my studies..But my daddy is not ready to support me as I am girl .But whatever I always feel bad about that and I really want to start before I reach 30 years..

Ask yourself this question…”Do you allow outside friends, family members or well wishers influence your marriage or relationship? At times during any relationship, we all have weak moments where we allow drama to dictate the trials in our lives. Unfortunately, during those same times, outside influences will always try to wedge themselves between our relationships with, at times, wrong advice and cloudy guidance.

In some relationships, one of the biggest problems with outside influences can be a person’s own family. Usually our parents and family feel that because they believe they always have our best interests at heart, they get the right to have an all access pass into our lives. Often times, they push themselves too far into our personal relationships with our mates and with our children, even to the extent of trying to raise our children. They want a say in every situation and every decision.

With all that being said, however, one might ask where does the real fault lie in this situation? My answer is simple. If you allow these outside influences to be the deal breaker in your relationship then you, as an individual, are completely at fault. If you personally allow an outside influence to become the demise of your relationship and you know for example that this particular person has their own personal issues and storms going on in their lives and further, you even know that they don’t really know what’s best for your family, then you have to personally take ownership for the stress this causes in your relationship.

Always ask yourself…”Is the person from whom I am seeking advice telling me the truth, or simply what I want to hear?” Also, just because a couple or person has been married for 25 years or in a steady relationship for a long period of time, does’t mean they are truly happy. For example, do not allow your parents’ relationship to be an indicator as to how you should handle your marriage, children or relationship. If someone really is committed to helping you, they wont enable you just because they love you. They will let you handle your own personal problems and relationship.

In my personal life I took my mom and dad as my role model to run a loveable family... I couldn't find the same intimacy couple anywhere else ...But I want to give a chance to my son about his career ..In that way I want to lead my role as a mom,. If u feel ur parents are role model for u ,then go ahead ...If not it's better to be a nuclear family without any influence..At least u and ur partner try to be a role model for ur child .....

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