Some people come in your life as blessings..Others come in your life as lessons....

Thursday, October 20, 2011


What goes through your mind when you are fighting? I mean at the exact moment you are lashing out verbally and screaming and blaming, what goes in your mind? Especially when it's a fight with your husband/wife. I think "Hope the fight ends soon and we get back to normal" while I am fighting. All I have to do is shut up and there would nt even be a fight. But no! Why would a person in their right mind do that? Fighting and making up may be part of married life and some may even call it romantic... But not to the person who started the fight and when the reasons are the silliest in the world. But it hurts nevertheless. So I start a fight. And want to end it too even while I am fighting. But the person who starts a fight can NEVER end it. Try how many sorries you can, but unless the other person makes his/her mind to forgive you, you are still fighting. And the few times when I don’t start the fight and the other party wants to end it, I don’t relent that easily either. I wait for just one more sorry. I wait for one more “I love you”. By the time, I decide to make up; the other party has enough of this stupidity and vows to never talk to me again. So it continues.

Saying sorry is the purest cure of all heart aches and heart breaks! Admit to yourself that you have done wrong and say sorry. It does not only touches the heart but also touches the soul. It's the greatest thing to do that will give you the greatest feeling to enjoy. :)

PS: A Good Apology has 3 Parts - 1) Im Sorry.. 2) It’s my Fault.. 3) How do I make it right? well.. unfortunately, A Lot of people usually miss the 3rd part..

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